Favorite 30 Recipes of 2014
When I was in high school, New Years Eve was always a big to-do for me. I would spend weeks planning the perfect party at my house with lots of appetizers (most of them the most rich and unhealthy foods I could find), decorations, and some form of bubbly non-alcoholic drinks to toast. I would dress up in some sort of sparkly outfit and we would spend the night being goofy, or watching old movies pigging out on all of the snacks until it was time to ring in the new year. I remember one year when I was a bit younger, middle school I think, I found a huge bag of confetti and threw it everywhere. My Dad was not happy about the clean up, but it sure was fun.
Now that I am an adult, I usually am sleeping on New Years Eve. Last year I think I spent time with Eric watching movies, then went to bed at a decent time. A new year is a new year to me I guess, and it doesn't matter if I am awake when the clock strikes midnight or not. What matters is I take the time to reflect on the past year. The good, the bad, the ugly, the perfect and what I learned and what I can change about it. That said though, I am not one for new years resolutions, I prefer to change things as needed as I go. None of this making resolutions and breaking them in a month stuff. Changes that improve us for good always take time. I always want to be improving myself to be the best form of me possible. Being kind to myself is a big must, and that is something I have learned in recent years.
I was looking back on my recipes from the last year, and I had forgotten how many I had made...and how good they were! I decided that I needed to share the ones that I thought were the most delicious with you. The savory and the sweet. A few of these were for special occasions, like Birthdays which made them even more special. I was going to pick just 10...but then it turned into 30 because they are all so good! So, I hope you enjoy this list and maybe feel inspired to try a few of them. I hope you all have a wonderful 2015 and I will continue to share delicious recipes with you all!