Vegan Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups


Peanut butter and chocolate have always been at the top of my list.  If I had a choice of candy growing up, it was always a peanut butter cup over everything else.  I am sure many of you agree, it is a match made in heaven after all!  Even when I don't have peanut butter cups on hand, I like to have a spoon of PB with some dark chocolate, kind of a lazy girl's PB cup.  Some of my favorite desserts involve PB cups as well, like this PB Cup Layer Cake, or these PB Cup Cupcakes.  There is just something about the salty with the sweet and rich that makes me crave it!  So, it should come of no surprise that I decided to make PB cups last weekend.  I made them a little different this time though, inside out!


Because white chocolate kind of sounded good to me too, so it was a combination of the light, dark and peanut butter.  For the white chocolate portion, I swapped in peanut butter for the usual cashew butter in my mixture, and it tasted fabulous!  That salty peanut butter in there was simply heavenly, and a touch of vanilla made it even better!  I suppose you could use this to make PB chips or chunks if you wanted, that is what it reminded me of.  You know like the ones in Monster cookies?  Or at least I always use them in mine (but if you are using this chocolate to make those, best to press into the tops of the cookies, as they are more melty).


The filling was super simple, only peanut butter, cacao butter, maple syrup, and sea salt.  But that was all it needed!  Once the candies were all assembled, I couldn't wait to try them!  They were crave worthy, just let me say that.  Rich, sweet, and a little salty just like normal PB cups, but different in a good way. If you are not all Halloween candied out, give these a try.  You will thank yourself for taking the time, trust me!


Vegan Inside Out Peanut Butter Cups
Makes 6 large candies


Peanut Butter White Chocolate:

  • 1/4 cup cacao butter (2 oz)
  • 2 Tbsp organic smooth peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut butter
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup (or to taste)
  • pinch sea salt


Chocolate Peanut Butter filling:

  • 1/4 cup organic smooth peanut butter
  • 1 Tbsp cacao powder or cocoa powder
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup
  • pinch sea salt



  1. Combine all of the peanut butter white chocolate ingredients over a double boiler, and whisk until smooth.  Pour into the bottoms of 6 larger peanut butter cup tins (or molds), then place them in the freezer to set.
  2. Mix the filling ingredients together, and set aside.
  3. Once the bottom chocolate has set, spoon about 1 heaping tsp of the peanut butter mixture onto the top of the set chocolate, then pour remaining melted chocolate over that. Place them in the freezer to set, about 15 minutes.
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