Raw Tropical Dream Cake

Pineapple, bananas, limes, mango, strawberries and avocado.  All of that was sitting on my counter, a beautiful sight to behold, and it was just begging to be made into something delicious.  Not that it wasn't delicious as it was and would be plain.  No, not a smoothie, although it would have made a beautiful layered smoothie.  A cake!  I know, that is always the thing I seem to make when I get inspired but I can't help it.  I love raw cakes, especially cheesecake or mousse style.  So this is what happened...

A crunchy coconut crust, key lime mousse made with rich avocado, then strawberry mango swirl, mango banana pineapple mousse.  It was all amazing as I tasted it before I even put it together into a cake.

It was even more amazing once it had chilled into delicious cake goodness!  Almost too pretty to eat, but that never stops me when I am hungry or just craving cake.

This cake tasted of summer, sweet and slightly tart, balanced and delicious!  A party in my mouth. Come to think of it, I think it would be an amazing cake to bring to a party for all of your friends to enjoy!  I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far!

Raw Tropical Dream Cake
Makes one 6 inch cake

2/3 cup sprouted buckwheat, dried in the dehydrator (or additional shredded coconut)
1/3 cup ground flaxseed

3/4 cup dried finely shredded coconut

1/8 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup soft medjool dates, pitted and chopped

Lime Filling:
2 cups diced ripe avocados (about 3 medium)
1/3 cup plus raw coconut nectar, or your choice of raw liquid sweetener
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp lime zest
1/3 cup lime juice
1/2 Tbsp pure vanilla extract
handful or spinach
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp coconut butter, liquefied

Tropical Mousse Filling:
2 cups young coconut meat*
1/2 cup bananas, sliced
1/2 cup mango
1/2 cup pineapple

1/3 cup raw coconut nectar, or your choice of liquid raw sweetener
1/4  teaspoon sea salt
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract and seeds from half a vanilla bean
1/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp raw coconut butter (warmed to liquid)

Strawberry Mango Swirl:
1/4 cup chopped mango
1/2 cup organic strawberries
3 medjool dates

Lightly coat a 6 inch spring form removable bottom pans with coconut oil. To prepare the crust, process flax, coconut, buckwheat and sea salt in a food processor until fine crumbs, then add the dates and process until the mixture holds together when squeezed between your fingers (if not holding together, add more dates). Firmly press crust into the bottom of the prepared pan, and set aside.
To make the lime filling, combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor and process until smooth.  Set aside.
To make the tropical filling, in a high speed blender or food processor, combine coconut meat, bananas, nectar, sea salt, and vanilla in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. With the processor running, add the coconut butter, and process for a minute until blended.  Set aside.
To make the strawberry mango swirl, combine all ingredients in a food processor or high speed blender and blend until smooth.
To assemble cheesecake, set aside about 3 Tbsp of the lime filling, then pour the rest of lime filling over the crust, then the strawberry mango swirl by the tsp, Then pour over the tropical filling layer, then drop more of the swirl by the tsp over that and the reserved lime filling (also by the tsp) and swirl with a knife. Place in the freezer for about 4 hours to firm up (or longer if needed).

*If you do not have access to young coconut meat, you can substitute 2 cups raw cashews soaked for 4 hours and drained.

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