Raw Almond Milks

I had never made home made almond milk until last weekend.  Sad I know, as I now believe that after making it, it is an essential thing in life to do.  I thought about just making plain vanilla, and I did at first, but then I thought strawberry would be even more marvelous!  After all, I had strawberry milk as a kid, and enjoyed it, but raw strawberry almond milk sounded so much better.  

And it was!  So creamy and delicious! Way better than any store bought almond milk I had ever tasted.  I had more plain almond milk left after making it and I told my boyfriend Eric he could choose a flavor to make with it.  He chose mocha, or chocolate coffee.  
Odd, because neither of us drink coffee or are big coffee fans, but it turned out pretty amazing!  It tasted like the most delicious coffee drink I have ever had!  I had to share some with my Mother as well, because she loves coffee and she loved it too.  Forget those blended nasty sugary coffee frappuccino drinks you can buy at the store, this was so much more delicious!

Raw Strawberry Almond Milk
Makes about 4 cups

1 cup raw almonds, soaked 8 hours in filtered water and drained
3 cups filtered water
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract
2 Tbsp raw coconut nectar (or sweetener of your choice) or to taste
1 cup fresh strawberries

In a high speed blender, process the almonds with the water for a minute, then pour into a nut milk bag over a large bowl with a pour spout.  Squeeze the bag to get all the liquid out, then save the almond pulp (the solids left in the bag) for another use and pour the liquid back into the blender.  Add the strawberries, coconut nectar, and vanilla to the milk in the blender and process until smooth.  Serve!  Store extra in the fridge for up to a week. 

Raw Mocha Almond Milk
Makes about 4 cups

1 cup raw almonds, soaked 8 hours in filtered water and drained
3 cups filtered water
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract
2 Tbsp raw coconut nectar (or sweetener of your choice) or to taste
3 Tbsp raw cacao powder
2 tsp coffee extract

In a high speed blender, process the almonds with the water for a minute, then pour into a nut milk bag over a large bowl with a pour spout.  Squeeze the bag to get all the liquid out, then save the almond pulp (the solids left in the bag) for another use and pour the liquid back into the blender.  Add the vanilla, coconut nectar, cacao powder and coffee extract to the milk in the blender and process until smooth.  Serve!  Store extra in the fridge for up to a week. 

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