One Green Planet’s Food Monster App Preview!


One Green Planet is a great resource for vegans, or those who are new to veganism and looking to learn more about it.  They have articles on conscious living, ending animal cruelty, body care recipes and nutrition.  Honestly, they share some of the best plant based recipes out there! And guess what?  I have very good news for you, they are launching a new recipe app called Food Monster to make it easier for you to find recipes from their website, and it will be available on April 22!  They are all vegan, plant based recipes from chefs like myself!  In fact, there are many of my recipes included in the app.  As nice as it is to pick up a cookbook and page through it, I admit I love to browse recipes online, I go to places like One Green Planet, knowing I will only find the types of recipes I would actually want to make there (vegan, healthier recipes from reputable people).  They gave me a sneak peak at the app, so I can let you all know what I think of it, and guess what?  I loved it.

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You will find everything from fabulous cakes and show stopping desserts to weeknight dinners, and comfort foods that you crave. The app makes it easy to search for exactly what you would like to make, you can search by categories like gluten free, grain free, oil free, dairy free, kid friendly etc. So that you are able to meet your exact needs.  Or you can just search by meal category like breakfast, desserts, snacks etc.

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In the mood for something seasonal?  Maybe something for a Spring garden party or shower? Then you may browse the recipes by Spring veggies, or Spring desserts or Spring holidays. I don’t know about you, but I often search that way when I am looking for inspiration.  It is nice if you have a specific ingredient that you want to use in a recipe, to be able to find just the right recipe to use it in.

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You can also browse recipe collections like less than five ingredients, comfort foods or creative salads. Once you find recipes that you enjoy or would like to save, you can easily bookmark them for making them later.  It is nice to be able to just pull up the recipe you want to make on your phone! If you enjoy the recipes, you can also comment on them to leave feedback for other readers.  As far as the recipes go, they are all very well organized, and easy to follow.  Also, they all have beautiful photos which is very important as far as I am concerned.  That is what makes me want to try a recipe even more, when it is accompanied by a fabulous photo!  The best part about the Food Monster App?  There are thousands of recipes to browse so you will never be bored or out of ideas for things to make.  When it comes to food, they make being vegan easy and there are no excuses to fall off the wagon because there are always new recipes and inspiration.  So, if you are looking for all of the things I have described, I would encourage you to download it and try it for yourself!  Lastly check out this video preview of the Food Monster App! If you want to enjoy it for yourself, you can find it HERE on April 22.

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