Maple Spice Pecan Butter Cups

Have I ever mentioned that I am in love with pecan butter?  Because I am.  I would eat a whole jar if it would not be completely gluttinous and unhealthy to do so.  That stuff is so good though!  I admit I have a jar in my fridge at all times, and sometimes I just eat it by the spoon. It is also good on apples, better than peanut butter in my mind.  Also, it makes amazing desserts.  The most silky raw caramel can be made with pecan butter included.

I wanted to make a dessert featuring just pecan butter as the star.  Which is why I ended up making these Maple Spice Pecan Butter Cups.  Simply pecan butter with a bit of maple syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg and a bit of chipotle mixed in for a kick.  Plus of course the raw dark chocolate covering it.

This is all together a rich and simply heavenly combination.  I was already in love with pecan butter, but add in chocolate and spice and it is pure Autumn bliss. I think these would make the perfect gift for your significant other, or just a good friend should you choose to share them!

Maple Spice Pecan Butter Cups
Makes 12 large cups

1/2 cup raw coconut oil, warmed to liquid
3/4 cup raw cacao powder
1/2 cup organic maple syrup or raw coconut nectar
a pinch sea salt

2/3 cup raw pecan butter
1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp raw maca powder
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp chipotle powder
1 Tbsp organic maple syrup or raw coconut nectar
1 tsp maple extract

To make the chocolate, whisk all ingredients together until smooth, and set aside.
Lay out 12 PB cup tins (not the mini ones, the larger candy size) or molds on a flat cutting board or tray, and fill them about 1/3 full with the chocolate.  Place them in the freezer to set about 5 minutes.
In a small bowl, mix together the filling ingredients until well blended. Once set, spoon about 1 heaping tsp of filling mixture onto each, but not so much that it oozes to the sides (you want to be able to cover it with more chocolate and not have it stick out the top).  Spoon chocolate over each mound of nut butter enough to cover and fill to the top of the tins.  Place in the freezer to set for about 15-20 min. to set.  Enjoy!


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