Citrus Cacao Butter Lip Balm

I go through a lot of lip products.  When I was in high school I had the nickname "glossy" because I always had many different lip products on me at any given time, and my lips always had to be moisturized.  I am not quite as obsessive about it now, but soft lips are still important to me.  None of that chapped lip nonsense. I am way more picky about what I put on my lips than I used to be also, I only use natural lip products.  Since I learned that most commercial lip products contain things like preservatives, chemicals and heavy metals (just to name a few).  Although there are some great natural lip product brands out there, I love making my own lip balm. I have been making a lot of sweets with raw cacao butter lately, and they were all amazing, but what I have been really dying to make with it is lip balm.

I had made some lip balm around the Holidays, but it did not contain cacao butter, and so I wanted to make a new formula and give it a go with it included.  I made a simple combination of cacao butter, coconut oil, and almond oil with some of my favorite citrus essential oils like lemon, orange and grapefruit.  It turned out awesome, and whenever I use it I feel happy because it smells like chocolate and citrus truffles or something dessert-like of that nature. I think anyone would be happy to kiss lips wearing this.  Also, I have been using it on the dry parts of my hands as well and it is a wonderful deep moisturizer for my cracked skin.  This recipe takes almost no hands on time at all, I just popped my cacao butter and coconut oil in the dehydrator while I was working on other stuff until it melted, then whisked the ingredients together and put it in the tins.

Citrus Cacao Butter Lip Balm

Makes 14

3 Tbsp raw coconut oil, warmed to liquid

2 Tbsp raw cacao butter, warmed to liquid

2 tsp sweet almond oil

5 drops sweet orange essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential oil

2 drops lemon essential oil

14 small lip gloss tins or containers with lids

Whisk together all ingredients in a glass measuring cup with a pour spout until well combined.  Pour into desired containers and allow to set until hard, about 3 hours (if you wish to speed it up, place them in the refrigerator).

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