Jalapeno Cheddar Kale Chips

I have been making sweet kale chip flavors like red velvet, berries and cream, and mocha for a while now because I had been craving them, and they make the perfect dessert when I want something munchy.  No, I am not crazy and in case you hadn't seen my sweet kale chip flavors on this blog, you should try them out because they are amazing (not weird as you might suspect with sweet and kale, because you just taste the coating).  But anyways, I decided to go out of my normal routine this week and make savory kale chips.  I have been in the mood for more savory things lately and I listen to my cravings.  I wanted to make something I hadn't before, so I decided on Jalapeno Cheddar Kale Chips.

Now, I know everyone and their Grandmother makes cheddar kale chips, and probably some with jalapenos, but these are different, trust me.  At least as far as ingredients are concerned.  As some of you may know, I try to use nuts sparingly in my recipes, not as a main filler ingredient (unless it is specifically a peanut butter cup or something) so I had to figure out what to use as the bulk of my batter that wasn't nuts.  I used my go to ingredient, shredded coconut (which I find easier to digest than so many nuts) along with carrots.  Now before you go thinking that sounds weird and not cheddar like at all, trust me it was!  After I had added garlic, nutritional yeast, cider vinegar and salt plus the kick of jalapeno you would be none the wiser that it was not cheddar.  These were freaking amazing.  Cheesy, a little spicy, and crave worthy deliciousness! If you don't believe me, try some for yourself!

Jalapeno Cheddar Kale Chips
Makes 8 cups

2 1/2 cups carrots, chopped
2 cups finely shredded dried coconut
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 jalapenos, chopped
2 tsp cider vinegar
2 cups filtered water
sea salt to taste

2 bunches kale, washed and torn into bite sized pieces

In a high speed blender, combine all of the ingredients but the kale until smooth.  Combine with the kale in a large bowl, and massage batter into the kale with your hands until it is coated.  Spread out on 2 lined dehydrator sheets and dry at 115F for about 24 hours until completely dry and crispy.

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